Daily news
July 27, 2024

Biden campaign staffers issue letter protesting Israel-Hamas war, call for cease-fire, end of aid to Israel

More than 100 Biden campaign staffers signed a letter published Tuesday protesting Israel’s war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip and calling for a cease-fire and an immediate end to U.S. aid to Israel. The letter, which was first reported by Jewish Insider, states that “the Biden Campaign unequivocally opposes the settlement and annexation policy of the Netanyahu government, as well as any unilateral steps that undermine the prospects for a two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.” The staffers, who are current or former volunteers or interns for the Biden campaign, religious leaders, activists, and grassroots organizers, said they share a commitment to protecting civil and human rights and stand with “our Palestinian and Israeli colleagues, relatives, friends, and family members” in mourning amid the escalating violence in the region. They called on President Joe Biden to end U.S. military aid to Israel, strengthen diplomatic efforts to bring an immediate cease-fire, ensure clear and decisive condemnation of all human rights abuses, and end settlement construction. The staffers also urged the Biden administration to prioritize individual and collective – not only state-level – rights in any future negotiations, to support refugees’ right of return, and to strongly support the United Nations’ two-state solution. The Biden campaign has previously said that it “unequivocally supports” a two-state solution and is committed to working with Israel and other countries in the region to achieve lasting peace.