Daily news
July 25, 2024

Conspiracy theories about Biden’s covid built on years of Trump rhetoric

There was indeed a variety of rhetoric and conspiracy theories that were circulated during Trump's presidency and beyond, some of which involved President Biden's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is important to note that these are often misguided interpretations or exaggerations of actual events or policies. Here's a brief outline of some of these theories: 1. Biden's COVID Plan 'Copied' Trump's: This assertion suggests that Biden's pandemic response plan was exactly the same as Trump's. However, while some elements like vaccine distribution were continued and expanded upon, Biden's strategy differed significantly in terms of universal masking, a greater emphasis on science and experts, and a more hands-on federal approach. 2. Biden's vaccine mandate is an overreach: Some claimed that Biden's plan to mandate vaccines for federal workers and businesses with over 100 employees was an abuse of power. Critics argue that this is a drastic expansion of the role of government, even as others see it as a necessary response to a public health crisis. 3. Biden knew about the COVID-19 before anyone else: Some conspiracy theorists suggested that Biden knew about the virus beforehand and kept the information from the public, despite no evidence supporting this claim. It's important to view such claims with healthy skepticism and fact-check them with credible sources. The politicization of pandemic response and vaccine deployment is part of a larger issue that extends beyond the boundaries of any single presidency or political party. It can undermine public trust in crucial health measures and the