Daily news
July 27, 2024

Here are some money moves to make before the Fed starts cutting interest rates

1. Pay Down High-Interest Debt: Before interest rates are cut, it would be wise to pay down as much of your high-interest debt as possible. High-interest rates on debt such as credit cards can cost you a lot of money over time, if rates are slashed, your payments could decrease significantly. 2. Refinance Your Mortgage: If you own a home, refinancing your mortgage could potentially save you money before the interest rates are cut. Lower rates mean smaller monthly payments. However, you must consider closing costs and how long you plan to stay in your home before you decide to refinance. 3. Consider Fixed Rate Loans: These types of loans aren't influenced by the Fed's interest rate changes. If you’re planning to take out a loan right before rates are cut, you might want to opt for a fixed rate loan. This could be particularly useful if you believe rates will rise again in the future. 4. Build Your Emergency Fund: This is a great time to increase your savings. Higher interest rates could mean higher returns on your savings accounts. 5. Rebalance Your Investment Portfolio: Before the Fed cuts interest rates, consider rebalancing your investment portfolio. Bonds typically perform well when interest rates decrease, so it might be worth shifting some of your investments to bonds if you're expecting rate cuts. 6. Purchase Bonds: As interest rates decrease, the price of existing bonds rises because they are locked in at the higher rate. Keeping this in mind, buying bonds before