Daily news
July 25, 2024

Putin replaces Russia’s defense minister with a civilian, citing rising military spending and need for innovation

In this surprising move, Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed a civilian as the country's new defense minister. This decision comes as Putin cites rising military spending and a necessity for innovation within the defense department. The new minister's lack of a military background marks a significant shift in the traditionally military-dominated ministry. Putin hopes that having a civilian at the helm may bring a fresh perspective and a capability to manage the increasing complexities of military budgeting and technological advancements. The new defense minister will bear the responsibility of streamlining the military's expenditures, while simultaneously pushing for innovation and modernization within the ranks. This change marks an important moment for Russia's military and its political landscape, signalling potential major shifts within the country's defense strategy and its future approach to warfare. While overseas observers are keeping a close eye on this development, Putin's internal constituents are hoping that the new defense minister's innovative approach could give Russia an edge in technological warfare.