Daily news
July 22, 2024

Trump to skip GOP debate in Iowa, hold competing town hall

event President Donald Trump has announced he will skip the upcoming Republican presidential debate in Iowa and will instead hold a competing town hall event in Iowa on the same night. The news comes as the other four GOP candidates remain committed to taking part in the scheduled debate hosted by Fox News on January 28. Trump, who is the front-runner in the Republican primary contest, has previously taken criticism for boycotting the Fox News debate in August 2015. In a statement, Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said: “Unlike the very stupid, highly incompetent people running our country into the ground, Mr. Trump knows when to walk away.” He added that the campaign was “exploring other options” for Trump to communicate his message and go directly to the voters, which is why Trump will alternate his participation in the Iowa debate with a “special event to benefit veterans.”